Short guidance for Ledger recorders
A sample record can be found below on this page.
These include:
1. Cover sheet as per sample
2. Recording forms – one each per ledger, plain slab or mensa slab
3. A photograph of each slab (jpeg, please)
4. Plan showing location of the slabs
Please click on the following links for the instruction documents. The files are Microsoft Word documents and should open automatically on most computers.
Index of Ledgerstones Sheet (Blank)
Individual Recording Form (Blank)
All of these ledgerstone records can now be added to the website directly, by creating an account for the website, through the register feature here.
Once logged into the website, you will be able to access the contribute feature, where you will be able to add ledgerstone and churches to the system.
A useful how to guide to add new content to the website is available here